Airsoft Electric Vs Gas Vs Spring

Airsoft Electric Vs Gas Vs Spring

Comparison between different airsoft gun types

Being able to choose between gas, electric and jump airsoft guns can be overwhelming at the beginning because in that location are pros and cons regarding their functionality, efficiency, and overall cost that makes them worth it for a specific purpose.

Choosing the right type of airsoft gun is of import, and agreement what options you have will testify to be valuable knowledge.

I will state the benefits of available gun types, explain what yous can expect from them, and a few advices for each gun type to help you lot figure out what exactly you need at your phase.

In brusque, I tin give yous brusk communication on what I would practice when choosing between gas, electric, and spring airsoft guns.

Beginners may find electric and leap airsoft guns easier to utilise, maintain and they are cheaper than gas airsoft guns, so any electric (AEG) airsoft gun or a spring shotgun, or a sniper should be a priority for beginners unless they want the fancy look and realism of gas airsoft guns.

Every bit you improve your game and satisfaction with airsoft, yous can invest in awesome gas guns but it is suggested that you first get some experience in airsoft before doing and then.

However, you exercise not have to follow my communication and if you like a specific gas model you should go for it if y'all are fine with the features and the price.

Life is too brusque, to overthink and going direct in for the fun is sometimes the best decision!

Let's quickly explain how each blazon works and then we'll compare them by advantages and disadvantages.

How electric airsoft guns work?

Electric airsoft guns are powered by batteries that run the motor and the motor runs the gearbox which operates the gun with the aid of other inner parts found in all airsoft gun types such as trigger, hop-upwardly unit, inner barrel, and then on.

Electric airsoft guns are usually non-blowbacks.


  • Electricity is cheap
  • Good power and fire speed
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Easy to maintain and upgradable


  • Not ideal for blowback action
  • Not super realistic
  • Decent guns cost at least $150-$200 without upgrades

How do gas airsoft guns work?

Gas airsoft guns are also equanimous of traditional inner parts such as trigger, hop-unit, inner barrel, and like inner parts but are powered by the gas placed in the magazine which creates pressure when the trigger is pressed and propels the BB.

Gas guns tin exist not-blowbacks but they often come with blowback activeness and are perfect for it because gas is more powerful than electricity or bound action.


  • Super realistic potential
  • Perfect for blowback action
  • Tin accomplish great performance (velocity, speed)


  • Gas gets expensive if you play alot
  • Amend for intermidiate+ players due to maintainance
  • Usually Louder than electric and spring guns (trouble for some people)
  • Cost $200+ to perform on a adept level (except pistols, they tin exist found under $150)
  • Temperature dependent (usually not a big deal)

How do spring airsoft guns work?

Spring airsoft guns are the simplest airsoft guns that are composed of traditional inner parts like every airsoft gun but they use the spring force to create pressure that propels the BB past player'due south manual clocking of a gun.

Some spring airsoft guns can be considered as blowbacks if we count moving parts, but that'due south not the same blowback action as found on gas guns because jump airsoft guns are not automatic and are differently built.


  • The operation costs are free
  • Simple maintenance
  • Low chance of malfunctioning due to simple built
  • Good performance except of the speed (good for snipers and shotguns, bad for other gun types)
  • Great starter guns can exist constitute under $150


  • No semi-auto/auto modernistic, only a shot at the time
  • No existent blowback action support

What airsoft gun type is nigh constructive?

When it comes to the effectiveness of each airsoft gun type it is of import to understand that every type can be effective if the gun is quality made.

Cheap electric airsoft guns will perform similarly to cheap gas airsoft guns and the performance won't be practiced, but if you cash out for something decent information technology will perform great. However, spring airsoft guns are the most usual cheap-fabricated guns on the marketplace due to low manufacturing costs and almost every single jump airsoft gun will function poorly to the unplayable extent.

So, understanding that fifty-fifty cheaper gas or electric guns work improve than spring guns, information technology is as well important to understand that yous should not consider any spring burglarize or a pistol for competitive play nor are they a skilful recommendation for annihilation more than cosplaying or toys for kids.

The conclusion is that whatever rifle, pistol, SMG, sniper, DMR, shotgun, or any comes to your mind will be effective whether information technology is a gas or electric but there will exist other pros and cons to it in terms of maintenance, realism, and price.

Bear in mind that for jump airsoft guns, only shotguns and snipers are recommended because naturally, you lot practice not expect them to work on automatic mode.

How difficult are electric, gas and spring airsoft guns for maintainance

Whatever AEG is going to be less of a burden than gas guns when it comes to cleaning and lubricating, and it will more often than not exist easier to fix AEGs if something breaks than information technology will be a case with gas guns.

Gas guns need to exist cleared later on every or every 2nd game for precaution measures while AEG tin can exist maintained simply in one case afterward the fifth game or so. This, of form, depends on how dirty the gun got after the game of airsoft, rainy days, or playstyles with lots of sprawling and habituating in dusty, dingy places will require you to clean your airsoft guns more oft.

The reason for this is considering gas guns have more moving parts, peculiarly the models with blowback mechanisms and the clay is the enemy number one, while all moving parts require good lubrication to function.

Some other thing is that the magazines and gas cartridges too need to be taken care of and although it is nada complex when you add all these maintenance requirements in one bucket you cease up with more time spent taking intendance of gas guns than AEGs.

With AEGs you lot demand to assure that no electrical components get wet and yous apply a standard clearing and lubricating procedure to them that takes minimal time.

Side by side to electrics and gas guns, bound guns have fifty-fifty fewer inner parts to worry about then maintenance is the easiest on them. Yet, some jump airsoft guns have movable parts such as a bolt mechanism and assuring that it is lubricated and out of the dirt is important.

How expensive electrical, gas and spring airsoft guns are in comparing?

Electrical airsoft guns are commonly more affordable compared to gas guns when ownership a gun in a store due to lesser manufacturing expenses, while spring guns are the about affordable on average.

Another expensive factor well-nigh gas guns is the gas cartridges that are way more expensive than the electricity required for recharging a bombardment in AEGs.

To recharge a bombardment you volition simply need a charger and a small amount of electricity that you lot won't find on your electricity bill, but gas can go quite expensive if you play regularly.

Not only that cartridges are more expensive, but gas airsoft guns, peculiarly those with blowback action require more free energy consumption to power upward the mechanism and exercise the job, while AEGs generally just require some electricity to power upwards the small motor.

Spring airsoft guns, on the other manus, volition only require some kinetic force that your body will produce, so at that place won't exist whatever expenses for running them.

What airsoft gunt type is nigh realistic?

Realism is important for some players, while others care more virtually simplicity and operation. I personally recall that both are of import for truthful airsoft experience.

The importance of blowback feature

Some players say that blowback is not even a great thing for airsoft because it produces unnecessary sounds which many springs or electric airsoft guns do not and it takes more free energy which means more expenses.

However, airsoft is played for entertainment purposes, and it is not worth sacrificing personal joy, so if y'all like the blowback effect go for it.

Many gas guns come with a blowback mechanism, while about AEGs on the marketplace do non,

Bound airsoft guns technically have a blowback feature and fifty-fifty the cheapest spring toys come with a moving slide, merely having to manually clock a gun earlier it slides is non really realistic in the first place. This effect nowadays on bound snipers and shotguns is actually absurd.

Blowback on gas guns and some electric guns is not bad for realism and fun, but the lack of information technology means some saved money in the pocket and simpler maintenance that comes as a result of fewer moving components.

How the sound differs between electric, gas and spring airsoft guns

In that location is nothing realistic in the sound that a motor and a gearbox produce, but it certainly comes with its unique charm that some people may like.

Personally, SMGs and automatic AEG pistols audio satisfying, but the audio that comes from most electric guns practise not come even close to the sound that GBBS produces.

If you practise not care almost realism then it'south fine and neither gas guns produce realistic sound as real guns do, but they at to the lowest degree mimic information technology to the extent and also the blowback action, the gas that pressures the air has its unique and quite interesting sound.

It is important to understand that the sound the gun makes does not come only from internals simply also from every single part of a gun that is mobile, so metal-fabricated gas blowback guns definitely audio the best thanks to lots of power being generated that runs metal parts crashing into each other with each shot.

Due to this reason, it is difficult to raise the sound the gun makes with sound amplifiers or whatsoever technique, only sound amplifiers have at least some result because they compress and release the air coming from the barrel.

Jump airsoft guns are commonly most completely silent, just some models may be a bit louder, nevertheless, none will ever produce a serious noisy sound.

Final take on

As yous can see, every airsoft gun type can work and if you find the right model that comes with the advantages you like, yous should get it.

I recommend that you find out what you are looking for and get the airsoft gun that will make you happy, the performance lone is not the only factor because airsoft is near amusement.

To be honest, nigh upgrades people brand on their airsoft guns are of cosmetic nature but like with the residue of the gear, only they are having tons of fun and that's perfect!

Airsoft Electric Vs Gas Vs Spring

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